basic vanilla oatmeal

I make this a lot. Like almost everyday. This recipe is awesome because it's the basis for a lot of the variations of oatmeal I do, so if you know this one, you may even start to think of your own recipes! I'll cut to the chase, I know you're in agony:

1/2 cup oats
1 cup of liquid (I use half almond milk/half water)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 mashed banana


What to do:
Bring the milk/water/whatever to a boil, then reduce to medium and add oats and mashed banana. After a few minutes, add your spices and mix. Let it cook until it reaches your desired consistency. Eat it. Love it. Cry when it's all gone.

P.S. I'm just going to put all my "old" oatmeal recipes under the Recipes tab, that way the feed isn't clogged with oatmeal! Wouldn't that be messy? Delicious, but messy. 

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